Connect Four

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Connect Four game

Connect Four (Connect 4, Four Up, Plot Four, Find Four, Captain's Mistress, Four in a Row, Drop Four)

Connect Four is a fast paced strategy game for developing mindfulness, logic and spatial thinking. The player and his virtual opponent alternately lower chips into the cells of the playing field and try to make a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row.

Game history

American Milton Bradley patented a hybrid of Tetris and tic-tac-toe called Connect Four in 1974. However, the idea for the game appeared long before that date. The original already existed in the 18th century and was known as The Captain's Mistress. James Cook often retired in the evenings on his first voyage around the world. This behavior was strange and the crew members joked that the captain was hiding his mistress in the cabin. The truth turned out to be more prosaic - Cook, naturalist Joseph Banks and botanist Daniel Carl Solander spent their time on a logical puzzle.

Interesting Facts

  • There are over 4 billion ways to win in Match 4. This means that remembering all winning options is impossible.
  • Connect Four for the Microvision game console was developed by Robert Hoffberg in 1979. At the same time, a version for the Texas Instruments TI-99 / 4A computer was released.

Connect Four is a quick game, the game can be finished in just a couple of minutes. The rules are simple and straightforward, but the one who is not lazy to move the convolutions wins. Check how smart you are!

How to play Connect Four

How to play Connect Four

Connect Four is a two-player game in which players take turns dropping chips into vertical spaces. The game always starts from the bottom row, the next chips are layered on the previous ones, as in Tetris. In the classic version, the size of the playing field is 7 × 6 cells, modifications are also possible 8 × 7, 9 × 7 and 10 × 7.

Drop the piece into the selected starting cell, the opponent will make the next move. A piece always goes down to the bottom row or onto a piece; it is impossible to place it in a cell "hanging" in space. Try to choose the rows and columns so that the first to make a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row of four tiles of your color. If the field fills up before the winning rows appear on it, the game will end in a draw.

Game tips

  • To significantly increase the chances of winning, lower the first chip to the middle column. By placing your starting chip in the corner, you give your opponent victory.
  • If the opponent made the first move and occupied the center of the bottom row, occupy the nearest cell.
  • Try to occupy the central vertical of the field as much as possible, so you will have expanded opportunities for maneuver and you will be able to connect your chips.
  • Calculate several moves ahead. In this game, as in chess, you can force your opponent to make certain moves. By creating a threat in one part of the board, you will occupy the necessary cells in another.
  • Stop the enemy from forming a line. Block his attempts while there are two chips in the row, after the third he will have the final move. In this case, the fourth piece can play in several directions, and you will block only one of them.
  • Do not place a chip under a cell that can bring a win. Try to force your opponent to fill the required cell-stand, otherwise he will block a number of your chips.

Winning in "Four in a row" is not so easy. The game awakens a healthy passion and makes you think. Try your hand at this blitz!